:: terlantar kesakitan ::
date : 14 April 2008
time : 10.00pm
venue : Hospital Tawakal
patient : mohd sufyan (aka uncle ku)
visitors : alialala,mama,papa,tokcik,n FATda...(ngeh2)
summary of case : the patient complaint of back pain dat radiate to the right thigh until mid leg. it is pulling in nature..continuous,progressively worsen, cause him difficulty to sit straight and lie comfortably..he also complaint of pain during walking...he started to feel d pain since 1 week ago but progressively worsen yesterday.there is also a short hx of numbness. there is no history of trauma but 2 weeks ago..he had hx of moving into new house. otherwise, there is no fever, no abdominal pain,headache. he is a known case of hypertensive under medication.
Ix done : bld test, Xray, MRI
medication : was on analgesic, pethidine
:: pelawat2 yg kengkunun dtg melawat::
:: makanan2 yg dipercayai dibawa oleh pelawat2 dpt mengubati pesakit::
::ubat2 yg dipercayai dpt menghilangkan rasa sakit::
:: keberangkatan pulang rombongan cik kiah ::
berat mata memandang..berat lagi bahu memikul....
kesihatan tubuh badan kita ni...selalunye kte amek mudah..bila sakit...barula nak menyesal...barula sedar nikmat Allah bg...hurm...(mode insaf smbl merenung diri sndiri)
bak kata pepatah, sudah terhantuk br terngadah
bak kata2...prevention is better than cure...
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
tu la...kite yg sihat ni kene la sentiase beringat2....hurm, lala~~~ guess what?~~godaan mu berhasil donk~~~ blog ku sudah brjaya dipublished....muahahah
sila2 la yer....
sy lupe....sy dah bley gne blogger identity
haha...i`m so berjaya wit dat hasutan...i`m gonna link urs..happy blogging~
tq tq...slalu slalu la dtg melawat yew
sakit pe lala?
hope he'll get well soon
sakit yg blum di dx lg...
apa differential dx, cik lala? n pls outline the management. chewahs. mentang2 dah habis long case. haha
my provisional dx is prolapse disc!!cam typical presentation jerk! shud b ok kot lala~huu!
differential dx ngn mx of course la i`ll leave 2 u guys utk bg...
dats y i bg smpi situ je...
cmmon2..crack ur brain~
oh..nak mx skali ke?
bole just do physiotherapy jer or do surgery + physio..
huhu...ape la lala ni!bole suro org solvekan lak eh?huu
ni dh mtk kebenaran ur pakcik lum nak publish ni?haha
oh otak ini tak boleh nak generate what's happening with ur uncle, lala...hmmmm.....ini boleh masuk dalam case ortho, team spine nih...
[banyak yang dla kena cover pasal ortho...doakan dla sentiasa kuat ye...tau2 lah, dla ni slow learner skit....hmmm...(",)]
haaa... semoga lala, pakcik lala dan seluruh ahli keluarga lala dikurniakan kesihatan oleh-Nya...aminn~
owh ortho... erm... no comment... rp skrg die mesti da sembuh ek? amin...
ni ke yg nak kahwin tu? huuuhu
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