its a 1st day of 4th yr...
dgn baju baru dan semangat baru...
let us begin d journey with a smile :)
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
Start ur day with a smile..
truly our perception of school and first days are tremendously nonparallel that it's almost on opposite end of the number chart. fuh fuh..
btw, congrats lala~~ Naik second year.
(we comment each other blogs cam baik gila. aha.) (;
did i say second? nope, i meant 4th!!! ahaha.. 2nd would be me. (;
aih, i feel so inferior dgn korg2 ni.huhu
haha...exactly!thanx 2 d bloggie world...kengkunun we noe each other for so long...hopefully we can meet one day...
yup it wud b 4th yr..u dun have 2 b inferior la dear...i envy u n da rest of oversea stdnt...u all hv d opportunities 2 travel a lot n hv 4 season experience...nvm it juz a matter of time..soon u`ll b graduated as a great dr...gudluck
btw...dis is d most appreciable 1st day since i lulus my 3rd yr reseat exam...i rather start class 4th yr compared 2 hv a holiday but need 2 repeat d whole 3rd yr back...
yeah.. im glad it worked out for u (; hhuhu
hurm x tahu nak tulis pe da, mata da kuyu tp mau juga menghabiskan marathon nih.
entry pe nih ek? owh 1st day.
pe aku wat mase 1st day ek? owh kemurungan coz dpt group yg xbest, haha
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