starts my 1st day with a ENT posting...1st day will always b hectic, kelam kabut, blur...etc2...
n that wat exactly happened 2day...
all 56 of us had a briefing by DR Marina n was given lecture by Prof Abdullah Sani regarding stridor...
he is a bit surprise 2 know bout our new curiculum which will held d exams only at the end of smester which is sumwhere in SEPTEMBER...dat means we will have a triad exam(which comprise of ent + anaesthesiology + ophtalmology) and psychiatric exam together..arghh...i`m worried too
ent is interesting but i am sure there`s a lot of anatomy need to be read n cover by dis week as well as d common diseases...i need 2 be fast learner as we will b having dis posting only for 3 weeks...within this 3 week we will have 2 go for cliniC + OT + ward works + oncall + 1 casewrite up + end of posting assessment...i better b quick n do not waste time...i already form a stdy grup...have a new stdy grup mate comprise of myself, wani,zatil,ida,fakhriyah,hadi n mohd...hopefully we can gain sumtin n help each other...
otherwise i had alot of readings n clinical skills 2 b practised...can not blog regularly i`ll leave with some pictures of me during last saturday....
::had bfast with papa n mama :: \
:: ala2 kampung - ubi rebus + kelapa parut & lempeng ::
:: then tgk congkak with zaty kat klcc - its gath anjuran sensasi selebriti www. ::
:: had luch in food court klcc, i had spaggeti bolognese zaty had pizza americano ::
then went to kelana jaya, picked up by kak ita, we headed to uncle p house....menunaikan janji ku mahu membasuh uri dan tali pusat...
:: tali uri + tali pusat ::
:: kak ita yg baik hati kemudian membelanja makan di newly open 'BUBBA GUMP SHRIMP RESTAURANT' sggh sedap dan heaven makan,
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
the uri and tali pusat almost made me puke. seriously..
hey u r a dr come u said dat??hehe..u did O&G already??will get used 2 cousin n uncle aunty all lari masa i basuh..dey all kata busuk bau darah...
hurm ko ke yg basuh uri n tali pusat tu? wah... o&G, disaster to me...
err... poasting pe je yg x disaster untuk aku? lol
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