syukur sgt...alhamdulillah berkat kebesaran dan kekuasaanNya...aku lulus...
yeay....n insyaAllah dgn izinNya jugak..isnin ni akan officially nye aku naik 4th yr...
waaaaa..4th yr??? time gile ok...i`ve gone thru dis 3 years of my journey..with laughters, tears, gud frens, happy momments, frustations, giving up,tears again, kena marah ngn lecturers,Doctors, been humiliate dpan patient, nanges, wipe it away, n cry again, n then laugh2, laugh2 enjoy d momment....
i still can remember cleary d first day masa jd medical stdnt...i was still fresh, excited, nervous, rasa cam br sgt...n d next minutes i realize..i already in 4th yr...hurm...during dis 3 yrs a lot of things happened...A LOT..a whole lots...get 2 noe my frens better...d small grup bcome larger..d bond bcome stronger...d single n incredible bcome lesser...
i really wanna dedicate dis 2 my parents, kwn2 yg byk supports, tok nenek, aunty uncle yg always been there...dis 3 days was a very hard momment for me..i cried a lot...i`m so scared 2 death, i`m worried what if i can not make it...papa n mama had been very supportive dis past 3 days...dr mlm rabu dorg cpat2 dtg hukm bawak me balik...g mkn sedap2, jmpa ngn sarah, n smlm bwk g smpi putrajaya, semenyih jmpa my 2 brothers semata2 x nak bg sedey2....syukur sgt2...sgt2...dan biasa la selemah2 manusia aku rasa sgt kerdil..bila saat2 maken dekat dgn bersungguh2 mintak dgn Allah...Dia Maha Berkuasa....
i have a lot to write n share..will b updating soon~
thanx korunk...special thanx to shah yg x pasal2 melayan ke 'mood swing' an aku...thanx!
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
Congratz lala!!Alhamdulillah, marilah kite bersame2 teruskan perjuangan kita..see u next week in 4th year.. ;)
congratz!! sangat2 lega tau...
and thanx korang ajar aku..huu
thanx kimot
oh en iyas mari la kte berusaha dgn lebey gigih tahun ini supaya dpt bercuti2 dgn gembira di masa hadapan
My God lala..
the tears, aih, siannya. The takut mati part.
well, i'm glad u got through it (;
at least ini beri i semangat sgt wajar nak study. seriously it's scary..ok, gudluk to me. my paper begins next Tuesday.
erm shah tu aku ke? hooho. me ke? heehe. sonoknye, haha
aku harap2 sgt aku camni bile result aku resit kuar nanti...
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