::3 yrs and still counting::
::4yrs and still counting::
::6yrs and still counting::
::9 yrs and still counting::
was having a short chat with a fren of mine...
not really close but we`ve been frens for years...
we`re discussing bout being in our comfort zone..with our close frens...bestfrens, people who love us so much, we tend 2 being ignorant...ignorant bout our close frens fault...coz we love them so much..we rather take all d positive things bout them...n try to close our eyes with small little things fault n mess they done...
korg pun sure pernah encounter this very similar situation rite? cam ble berada ngn kwn2 baik...walaupun korg tau ade bnda2 salah yg kwn korg buat...korg cuba cover...korg akan kata x pe...xpe...tp kdg kala...sbb korg prefer utk x nak amek tau instead of tego kwn2 korg tu...kdgkala akan bring more harm than goods...
so pernah x korg encounter d same situation??
"to err is human, to admit it is superhuman"
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
wawawa~~~~suke suke suke post ni... =) musti la ader lala~~~me? lagi bnyak coz kbnyakan ktowg dah 15 years brsame... kalo dari tadika tu, hurm 16 la...tp still je jmpe...ngee~~~sudah masak dgn perangai mereka....huhuhu
" I always be the 1st commenting in your blog kan?...hish3"
haha....very the lala punye style..cam amik jalan save! utk kebaikan bersama ek? bagus2..aku amat mengagumi sebenarnya keperibadian itu...huu~
friendship is beautiful!
irm....yup2 cam..kdg2 tu its like not worth utk sacrife our years of frenship utk those small little things yg our gudfrens buat...cam masing2 da faham sgt perangai memasing...oh lamanye anda berkawan..aku sbb asek pndh je...dr sekolah tadika smpi ke sekolah menengah br la stay 1 place... n yes ko mmg cpat je cmmnt aku nye entry..tq
iyas...so my style kan? hurm..i value my frens so much..tp kdgkala mmg ade dat doubts dlm diri..cam ade konflik dlm diri whether we shud tell them or not..n i`m sure sumtimes my fren wud hv do d same thing when i did sumtin wrong~
ala.. kte tkde pun msk dlm yers counting tu..
ye ye sy mcm ade experience itu.
ayatnye, tk kesah la. (tp sebenarnye kesah) awk buat je ape2 yg awk suke.
n betul this attitude slalunye akn dtgkn more harm than gud.
tp nk buat cmne..kalau die da rasa bahagia begitu. kite jd je la as much supportive as we can. tp kdg2 penat la!!
sy ade st soklan, kalau awk terasa ngn kwn, awk bgtau tk die?
hmmm...persahabatan ini sangat indah jika kita betul2 memahami erti di sebaliknya....
to be honest, dulu dla ni jenis yg tak reti berkawan....tak tau nak appreciate kawan....
tapi alhamdulillah, skrg ni dah ok sikit kot...not me and my own world lagi dah....huhu....
ada juga encounter masalah camni, lala...tapi kita kena pandai2 la...kalo rasa baik diam, diam aje lah...kalo rasa boleh ditegur, baik tegur untuk kebaikan bersama....(",)
owh gitu ke... tp rasenye bile da lagi rapat lagi mudah ditegur. mcm bile nampak kawan kite wat prangai x best ke moody ke. its better to sound them then tutup sebelah mate je, n i think bestpren la yg bley wat gitu. huuuhu. tp still opinion stiap org berbeza :)
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