snggh gembira...arini setelah sekian lama tdk dpt menjalankan misi kerana kekangan hujan, exam, kepenatan....dan berbagai alasan lagi...
akhirnya dgn ditemani cuaca yg sgt baik... misi berjaya dilakukan dgn jayanye...
oh dan berjaya melakukannye 3 round...(2 round tnpa henti dan 1 round lagi dgn jog dan jalan laju...ngeh2...) gumbira!!! 'pkck itu' juga menggembirakan...sedikit je la...:)
:: perjalanan melintas jalan ::
:: mulakan dgn warm up dulu ::
:: setelah 2 pusingan bermain dgn benda ini sebentar dan jumpa perempuan ini ::
:: dan ketika selesai terjumpa lelaki ini...cuba teka siapa die?? ::
:: pulang dgn muka gembira dan puas hati ::
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
misi berjaya
Posted by alialalala at 7:39 PM 6 comments
Labels: 'pkck itu', misi
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
muka dinasaur
wah kepenatan...arini penuh satu hari..dr pg lecturer kul 8pg-10pg then g klinik smpi 1pm. pastu lecturer lg dr kul 2..kul 5.50 br abes klas...
penat..ngantuk..n terasa kebuduhan dikatakan membuat muka dinasour sbb bengong sgt...apa dr tanya smua x tahu..oh my2...y i need 2 learn anatomy neh...mari berusaha....i think ent ni spatutnye major x smpt jek...uish..berusaha dgn lebey gigih..mari rakan2...
Posted by alialalala at 7:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: medic
Monday, April 28, 2008
ENT posting
starts my 1st day with a ENT posting...1st day will always b hectic, kelam kabut, blur...etc2...
n that wat exactly happened 2day...
all 56 of us had a briefing by DR Marina n was given lecture by Prof Abdullah Sani regarding stridor...
he is a bit surprise 2 know bout our new curiculum which will held d exams only at the end of smester which is sumwhere in SEPTEMBER...dat means we will have a triad exam(which comprise of ent + anaesthesiology + ophtalmology) and psychiatric exam together..arghh...i`m worried too
ent is interesting but i am sure there`s a lot of anatomy need to be read n cover by dis week as well as d common diseases...i need 2 be fast learner as we will b having dis posting only for 3 weeks...within this 3 week we will have 2 go for cliniC + OT + ward works + oncall + 1 casewrite up + end of posting assessment...i better b quick n do not waste time...i already form a stdy grup...have a new stdy grup mate comprise of myself, wani,zatil,ida,fakhriyah,hadi n mohd...hopefully we can gain sumtin n help each other...
otherwise i had alot of readings n clinical skills 2 b practised...can not blog regularly i`ll leave with some pictures of me during last saturday....
::had bfast with papa n mama :: \
:: ala2 kampung - ubi rebus + kelapa parut & lempeng ::
:: then tgk congkak with zaty kat klcc - its gath anjuran sensasi selebriti www. ::
:: had luch in food court klcc, i had spaggeti bolognese zaty had pizza americano ::
then went to kelana jaya, picked up by kak ita, we headed to uncle p house....menunaikan janji ku mahu membasuh uri dan tali pusat...
:: tali uri + tali pusat ::
:: kak ita yg baik hati kemudian membelanja makan di newly open 'BUBBA GUMP SHRIMP RESTAURANT' sggh sedap dan heaven makan,
Posted by alialalala at 5:01 PM 3 comments
Labels: food, medic, movie, stdy group
hari yang baru
its a 1st day of 4th yr...
dgn baju baru dan semangat baru...
let us begin d journey with a smile :)
Posted by alialalala at 7:33 AM 6 comments
Labels: medic
Friday, April 25, 2008
makan penenang jiwa
post exams rabu aritu, kan cm sgt both of my parents dtg straight amek frm cllge n bwk g mkn kat ampang...byk gila ok aku mkn...kelaparan pas satu ari x mkn lgsg...nasi putih ngn lauk, yee mee kantonese, sate, tp sbb kan cam x de mood so xde amek gmbar pun...
:: yee mee cantonese ::
pastu nak mengubat ati yg lara.,...papa bwk g umah br aunty fiona..g main dgn baby sarah...wah comeil sggh...rasa tenang kejap main dgn baby...die da mengecik sket...n umah br aunty fiona lawa la..smple tp suka sofa kat hall best
:: sarah + pia + kak alia ::
pastu smlm cam stress pg tu tetibe after hantar mama kat opis n g renew lesen kat post office..tetibe teringin nak bfast..jadik pegila...
:: i`m loving it! ::
:: g drive dlm hujan ::
:: i have dis, hot cakes + sausage + hash browns ::
later i`ll post gamba masa perjumpaan blogger2 d bilik tv ktdi~
Posted by alialalala at 7:06 PM 7 comments
tulang belakang
:: bersama en wafy ::
:: lek r iyas..kalu da lapar sgt pun jangan mkn hp tu..::
:: la adam Af2::
::punyala si hazim ni smpi naik2 meja::
::semua yg tgh tekun::
ok dis is my stdy grupmate for d past 6 weeks
mereka la yg byk tlg...BYK sgt...esp RAFI n HAZIM
kerana mereka2 gaks...aku menjadi rajin...thanx a lot...
congratz utk korunk smua...
jmpa isnin InsyaAllah
Posted by alialalala at 6:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: exams, stdy group
syukur sgt...alhamdulillah berkat kebesaran dan kekuasaanNya...aku lulus...
yeay....n insyaAllah dgn izinNya jugak..isnin ni akan officially nye aku naik 4th yr...
waaaaa..4th yr??? time gile ok...i`ve gone thru dis 3 years of my journey..with laughters, tears, gud frens, happy momments, frustations, giving up,tears again, kena marah ngn lecturers,Doctors, been humiliate dpan patient, nanges, wipe it away, n cry again, n then laugh2, laugh2 enjoy d momment....
i still can remember cleary d first day masa jd medical stdnt...i was still fresh, excited, nervous, rasa cam br sgt...n d next minutes i realize..i already in 4th yr...hurm...during dis 3 yrs a lot of things happened...A LOT..a whole lots...get 2 noe my frens better...d small grup bcome larger..d bond bcome stronger...d single n incredible bcome lesser...
i really wanna dedicate dis 2 my parents, kwn2 yg byk supports, tok nenek, aunty uncle yg always been there...dis 3 days was a very hard momment for me..i cried a lot...i`m so scared 2 death, i`m worried what if i can not make it...papa n mama had been very supportive dis past 3 days...dr mlm rabu dorg cpat2 dtg hukm bawak me balik...g mkn sedap2, jmpa ngn sarah, n smlm bwk g smpi putrajaya, semenyih jmpa my 2 brothers semata2 x nak bg sedey2....syukur sgt2...sgt2...dan biasa la selemah2 manusia aku rasa sgt kerdil..bila saat2 maken dekat dgn bersungguh2 mintak dgn Allah...Dia Maha Berkuasa....
i have a lot to write n share..will b updating soon~
thanx korunk...special thanx to shah yg x pasal2 melayan ke 'mood swing' an aku...thanx!
Posted by alialalala at 6:16 PM 5 comments
waaa...penantian itu suatu penyiksaan...
br pas kol opis 1130 td...nak tnya rslt..
ade ke...die kate kul 3 ptg br dr nak mtg...oh snap2..
die kate try r call kul 5ptg
aku da x larat tggu ni wei
da dehydrated sbb asek diarhoea, headache, dan lapar...
br ingat nak mogok lapar smpi dpt cm lama je lagi...baik g mkn dulu...
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, Kau Yang Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Berkuasa...aku berserah kepadamu Ya Allah~
Posted by alialalala at 11:54 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
tidak gembira :(
perasaan x best
x gembira
siapa kata 'common things common'??
xde mood mahu mengupdate
akan duduk dlm keadaan 'beku' sehingga results kuar...
ps: korg doakan~
Posted by alialalala at 6:36 PM 7 comments
Labels: exams, tak gembira
Saturday, April 19, 2008
take a break...take a deep breath~
You Are Pretty Happy Being Single |
![]() You have a full, fun life. And you definitely don't need love to be content. Of course, being single can get you down a little. Especially when you've been single for a while. But you know how to be patient and wait for the right person. You're life is too good to settle for anything! |
You Go For Brains! |
![]() You want a guy with a big... brain. And of course it would be nice if he were a total hottie, but you're not counting on it. What's on the inside is what counts for you. (Besides, you can always change the outside later!) |
You Are Not Prissy |
![]() You're the furthest thing from a princess - and you probably stay far away from any princess types you know. You have an easygoing approach to living. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy. And when life requires it, you're ready to get your hand a little dirty. There's no problem you're too prissy to tackle! |
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy |
![]() When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know. From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up. And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide. |
You Are 50% Extrovert, 50% Introvert |
![]() You're a bit outgoing, a bit reserved Like most people, you enjoy being social But you also value the time you have alone You have struck a good balance! |
i`m taking a half an hour break from my Principles n Practise of Surgery to dis test n do sum updates....wawa...exam in 3 days...lalala~ dun wanna spend so much tyme in dis blog2 thing for a while...with that i rest my case...
Posted by alialalala at 12:17 PM 9 comments
Labels: blogthings, exams
Friday, April 18, 2008
di suatu hari jumaat...
maseh kah ingat dgn uncleku yg masuk hop tawakal beberapa ari lepas??
oh isterinya...iaitu auntie fiona telah selamat melahirkan anak yg kedua pd jam 12.30tgh td...lama woo...bayangkan air ketuban pecah mlm smlm kul 10.30...bwk g ampang puteri kul 11 dr kata dah bukak 2cm...pagi td kul 6.30 dr kata da kul 12.30tgh br kuar...lebey 12 jam...padahal bukan primid pun...kalu mengikut perkiraan nye...utk primid (bg yg x paham ni mksdnye kelahiran pertama) 1cm = 1 plg2 kalu da 7cm kul 6.30pg kul 9-10 da bersalin biasanye kalu para 2 ke atas die akan cepat sket....hmmm...xpela..ape2 pun alhamdulillah la smua sehat...mak die pun sehat..maybe sbb amek epidural kots tu yg buat lama tu..
td sempat la pegi tgk kejap kat ampang putri..amek cab dr hukm ke ampang putri..smpi dlm 11.30 x beranak2 lagi...sian mama,uncle eju,mak aunty fiona n saffiyah aka piya muka stock penat jek...aku ni bergegas dr kelas yg dipostpone...suppose kul 10pg tp mr imtiaz kata ptg lak kul 3... jd aku pun rush la g sana
smpi2 x beranak pun lagi...tgk muka mereka2 ini...
:: sbb tggu cam lama sgt kami pun lunch dulu. sedap! lagi sedap dr besta ppukm ::
:: soak ted 1901 ::
pengakhiran berakhir...alhamdulillah syukur kepadaNYA...presenting 2 u...
:: sarah bt mohd sufyan ::
:: 3.08kg + 51cm + 14hours in labour ::
:: mama yg teruja lalu berkata, "alia cepat2la kawen, dpt baby, mama leh dpt cucu" ::
:: apakah?? oh sy maseh muda. sila beri lg 2 tahun ::
:: kegembiraan terpancar di wajah unc p ::
:: safiyah aka kak pia da skang...da jd kakak x le manja2 da ::
:: btw, aunty fiona is on d right side..x smpt jmpa n amek gmbr die td ::
:: sebelum balik sempat click2...aksi biasa ::
k guys...yg mana2 ade paper isnin ni gudluck..n d rest for tuesday n wed gudluck 2..n yg tgh cuti..enjoy saat2 keharmonian hidup anda2..smpi ketemu lagi~
Posted by alialalala at 3:15 PM 13 comments