Sunday, November 30, 2008


hello people...
how`s life getting on?
do u missed me? (aisyah i noe u do)

well...skang ni berada dlm mood x mau update
tq to my lappy
malas nak repair
biar la lmbt2 sket
kalu x asek update facebook je
asal ade notifications

well lately sejak2 blok b tu da ade tenet blk
maken aktif sorg2 update blog
sorry r
xde mood mau comment, tumpang baca je
korg pun cm malas je kan cmmnt blog aku(exception to aisyah, shah n irm)

well sejak masuk new posting neh
cm ala2 bz
ke wat2 bz
tak r mmg btul2 bz
1st day masuk neonatal posting tu
blk bilik kul 6.30ptg
blk terus terbongkang tdo

byk nak kena cover
byk nak kena baca
byk skill yg perlu diacquire
g mana seh
mau berhadapan ngn prof bil (yg diwar2kan kegarangan tuu)
asal ckp aku dpt prof bil sure jwpn dr org2 tu adalah....good luck, tabahla, bersabarlah...bla2...
xpe2...nak berjaya kena la susah dulu

well...a lot of things happened
keadaan yg menggembirakan
keadaan yg menyedihkan
keadaan yg mencemaskan
keadaan hmpr meragut nyawa
keadaan mengecewakan
tp x payah r cte
well there are a lot of things that are better to b kept to urself
people r judging eventho they said they dont

take care people
till we meet again

i do missed a lot of people~

*ja nnt2 la kte buat tag awk tu


mYshah said...

iskh333 anta le lappy ko tu ke kedai lala, xpon format je la, kih333

nway suke la people r judging eventho they said they dont

rindu sape lala? ^^ uhuk uhuk!

aisyah. said...

eh, x, i xrindu la..

I just cam risau, maybe u sakit ke, xle bangun ke... Mana la tahu kan? =P

mYshah said...


Anonymous said...

MISS U!!!!
Hak3...cepat2 la btul kan lappy tu yer...
BTW lala, dun sedey2 k...
prof bil tu ok jer...cuma mulut die je yg kene tahan...
otherwise, die sgt banyak mengajar... especially dalam clinic die...
Happy2 slalu k?..

naim_yaakob said...

hehe irma ..awk kene group ngn prof bil x? easier said than done..hehe

takpe rase mende tu bole accelerate misi awk..Tuhan sayangkn awak..die nak tlg awk gapai misi dan cita-cita..hehe

byk nak komen dlm entry awk kali sy pilih yg bole komen je la, sejak2 sume dah aktif men blog ni..nak tulis tuh, kene tapis 3-4 kali..hehe

kurangkn kontroversi..tingkatkan prestasi! yay! idop lala!

aisyah. said...


sbnrnya, saya rindu kamu,penglipur lara hati saya~


mYshah said...

uhuk uhuk! buzzz!!!

alialalala said...

myshah - rndu kat org d sanaaaa shah...jauh sgt....

aisyah - c i noe u missed me n my stories....

irma - t 4 d advice..opefully i can get thru it without much damage..huhu

naim - baik akan trus berusaha...tingkatkan prestasi kurangkan kontroversi! benar2

FaNa said...

fana ere... blok b dtg comment..haha

alialalala said...

lambat r ko fana
da berabuk da