hello people...
how`s life getting on?
do u missed me? (aisyah i noe u do)
well...skang ni berada dlm mood x mau update
tq to my lappy
malas nak repair
biar la lmbt2 sket
kalu x asek update facebook je
asal ade notifications
well lately sejak2 blok b tu da ade tenet blk
maken aktif sorg2 update blog
sorry r
xde mood mau comment, tumpang baca je
korg pun cm malas je kan cmmnt blog aku(exception to aisyah, shah n irm)
well sejak masuk new posting neh
cm ala2 bz
ke wat2 bz
tak r mmg btul2 bz
1st day masuk neonatal posting tu
blk bilik kul 6.30ptg
blk terus terbongkang tdo
byk nak kena cover
byk nak kena baca
byk skill yg perlu diacquire
g mana seh
mau berhadapan ngn prof bil (yg diwar2kan kegarangan tuu)
asal ckp aku dpt prof bil sure jwpn dr org2 tu adalah....good luck, tabahla, bersabarlah...bla2...
xpe2...nak berjaya kena la susah dulu
well...a lot of things happened
keadaan yg menggembirakan
keadaan yg menyedihkan
keadaan yg mencemaskan
keadaan hmpr meragut nyawa
keadaan mengecewakan
tp x payah r cte
well there are a lot of things that are better to b kept to urself
people r judging eventho they said they dont
take care people
till we meet again
i do missed a lot of people~
*ja nnt2 la kte buat tag awk tu
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Posted by alialalala at 10:39 PM 10 comments
Labels: updates
Sunday, November 23, 2008
sapekah gerangan yg bertakhta d hati??
3. kena mention umor korg masa tu bape..
4. pastu korg kena citer ape jd ngan org yg korg ada crush tu..huhu
- ina
- aisyah (dear i hope u buat)
- ib (ib buat r)
- chu n (ambo nak gak dngr cte aunty ambo dolu2)
- fazrul (bg la cte2 JANS)
Posted by alialalala at 1:17 AM 13 comments
Labels: tagged
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
what if i had no eyes?
got this from fazrul...
juz wanna share with u guys
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.
He asked her,'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'
This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.
Life Is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too early on this earth.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and think: you're alive and still around.
============ ========= =====
Too beautiful not to share......
Posted by alialalala at 8:27 PM 12 comments
Labels: randoms
Sunday, November 16, 2008
kurangkan kontroversi..tingkatkan prestasi...
hi u ols
ape buat ari ahad yg indah ni?
i br pas tgk melodi
tertarik ngn statement aziz m osman mengenai komen die ttg masalahnye tu kan
die ckp " buat apa nak sembunyi ble ade masalah...kalu kte ade masalah kte tenung die lama2...lama2 nnt die akan hilang gak "
xdela...cm lately byk sgt kwn2, org2 disekeliling i, artis2....
yg mcm mengalami masalah2 yg membabitkan emosi, perasaan n relationship...
bukan niat nak sibuk...tp cm tu la...
bak kata aziz m osman tu
masalah ni kalu kte nak sembunyi nak serabut2 mmg x akan abes
tp kalu kte berani, pk n try solve kan masalah kte pelahan2..insyaAllah kte leh get over it
well kalu nk ckp kan..i pun x terlepas hadapi masalah..tp tu la...
how we cope n manage d problem depend on our way
setiap org threshold nye berbeza2
what mechanism dat works for us is d best..
mgkn ade certain org, perlukan kawan or family utk support die tangani prob,
some people can manage on their own..
but at d end of d day...
it`s u dat have 2 face it...
pape pun...i doakan smua kwn2 i...diri i dan family2 i
sentiasa happy, tabah dan kuat menghadapi apa gak cycle hidup kami...
till then people...
kurangkan kontroversi...tingkatkan prestasi...
lu pikir la sndiri....
Posted by alialalala at 12:47 PM 2 comments
Labels: randoms
Saturday, November 15, 2008
smart girl?
hi u ols...
how`s ur week?
mine was okay
just another week in orthopedics
clinics,ward round, workshop n seminar
ckp pasal seminar...
just nak share 1 cte ngn u ols
for d seminar my group da di assigned utk buat presentation on musculoskeletal infection
d seminar was conducted by Dr Sri Subanesh (cmni ke eja nama die?)
last week ade 1 group da present n cm truk gak kena soal byk ngn Dr neh
so stlah di decide i kena present pasal cellulitis
so smlm ade seminar tu...1 was d 5th presenter..
cm cuak2 la...smua all presenter b4 me byk kena soal
i mmg la da prepare tp still x mau la kelihatan truk in front of d class kan...
b4 my turn tu mmg palpitation, shortness of breath, sweating...
tp nak tak nak kena present gak
so ble my turn, setelah mengambil nafas panjang
i pun present la ngn confident nye....
smpai la my last slide....
b4 d lecturer even sempat nak asked me a question...
i`ve already asked him a question, followed by a few other questions
bukan ape mmg i x tau all d questions yg i tnya die tu...
so Dr ni pun ngn baik nye jawabkan la...bla2...
pastu da abes tu i kata la ok..That`s all...
pastu Dr tu br prasan...
die pun ckp..."good, u asked me questions b4 i asked u, SMART GIRL!"
n da whole class laughing...
yerla kan...dr last week ngn smua presenter asek kena soal ngn die..
i sbnarnye cm malu r gak...tp lega r..at least i dont make a fool of myself...
i`ve already prepared myself..just dat it was my defense n protective mechanism...
nak hidup kan...
so sape2 yg pasni akan masuk ortho n kena present ngn dr sri ni...korg bole r apply dis method...
Posted by alialalala at 8:49 AM 6 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
wanita idaman malaya???
hi u ols juz wanna share dis interesting article with u ols
i got this from nadrah`s blog...tq for letting me share dis with my fellow readers....
For sure these may be only 10 of them. There are lots more. I just hope to be one :)My girlfriends out there, check this out!
Perfect lady traits #10 Feminine, but not weak
If a man is expected to behave like a gentleman, then it is only fitting that he has a lady by his side. She walks with her hips, she speaks with a low tone and she doesn’t curse. But then, she doesn’t cry if she breaks a nail nor does she behave like a weakling when it’s time to go mountain biking. All in all, the perfect lady carries herself like a pretty flower but doesn’t have a problem getting sweaty and dirty when the occasion calls for it.
Lala says : bab nak bercakap ngn low tone mmg le ambo x reti..bak kata krel i ni da dilahirkan dgn mikrofon agaknye..x reti berenti bercakap n ckp kuat..huhu...bab ayu2 feminin cm pompuan pakai kain x pun skirt sepanjang masa pun cm x dpt dipraktikkan..but still rasanye maseh ade unsur2 kefeminan ku tu...huhu
Perfect lady traits #9 Secure/confident
A little harmless jealousy is okay and even welcomed by most guys, but the last thing any man wants is an insecure woman who is always making accusatory comments when they’re out in public. A perfect lady knows that she’s awesome and that if he messed around, it would be his loss.
Lala says : ye benar...cemburu tu perlu utk langkah berjaga2...tp x de la loser gle nak g nyebuk hal org 24-7..get a life..dush2
Perfect lady traits #8 Low maintenance, but doesn’t look like it
When she dresses up, this perfect lady can cause traffic accidents. Her hair always looks great and it looks like she spends all morning preparing to leave the house. But the beauty of it all is that it doesn’t take her more than a few minutes to get ready. She looks like a million bucks in no more than 10 minutes and her man can really appreciate that about her. It doesn’t have to cost him $3,000 to make sure that her nails, hair, and grooming is done monthly. She takes care of herself on her own time, with her own money, and it doesn’t get in the way of everyday living.
Lala says : yg pasti i x akan menyebabkan traffic jam kots...dan tdk la perlu berbelanja besar bab2 bergaya neh...ukur baju d badan sndiri~
Perfect lady traits #7 Cooks & Domestic
Men were clear that they didn’t want a solely domestic woman; they appreciate women who work and take care of themselves, but they thought it was important that she know how to cook. Why? Well, it wasn’t even about his stomach or that old adage, it was the fact that if a woman doesn’t know how to cook, that would mean that she eats out all the time, which would mean that she likely doesn’t eat very healthily, nor will she know how to feed children, should they have any together. The men surveyed didn’t mention five-course meals or anything extravagant, but they did point out that the majority of women they had dated didn’t even know how to boil spaghetti.
Lala says : ye saya berusaha...
Perfect lady traits #6 Financially independent
Men fear being taken to the cleaners more than anything else. If they meet a woman who’s unemployed and uneducated, but has extravagant plans for the future, they run in the other direction. Men don’t want a woman to support them, but they do want a woman who can support herself without the goal of one day depending on a man to pay her way through life.
Lala says : insyaAllah
Perfect lady traits #5 Desire
The perfect lady checks out her man’s ass every now and then, and she lets him know that she likes what she sees. She also "initiates", which reveals that she has a high desirability for her man. She can be a sweet and innocent lover just as easily and she can be dodgy as well.
Lala says : hurm..ala2 jinak2 merpati kah ( eh cm x sesuwai pulers)
Perfect lady traits #4 Happy
The last thing any guy wants in a woman is a cranky, crabby, unhappy woman who whines and complains all the time. This is the kind of woman that men tend to avoid because they don’t ever want to come home to that. A genuinely happy woman can easily make those around her feel happy, and she emits positive vibes that are contagious.
Lala says : kalu x de org yg menyakitkan hati tentu la i akan happy2 je donk...and giving my best n sweetest cheerful smile :)
Perfect lady traits #3 Smart & witty
The perfect lady has had some level of higher education - especially if he has one. This opens doors to more stimulating conversations in the way of general knowledge and the world around you. And a good education is usually coupled with a witty personality. You don’t have to be Sarah Silverman by any means, but witty comebacks and opinions are always appreciated.
Lala says : on my way~
Perfect lady traits #2 Beautiful & fit
Most guys admit that the first thing that attracts them to a woman is her face and body. But this doesn’t mean you have to rush out to a plastic surgeon to look hotter. Physical fitness tells a man that you take care of yourself and, if you had children together, they would lead a healthy lifestyle as well.As for face beauty, most guys admitted that, usually, when they meet a girl through a friend and she’s cool personality-wise, they end up finding her physically attractive based on that, even if they initially didn’t.
Lala says : ye yg ini juga sedang berusaha donk...utk diri sndiri~
Perfect lady traits #1 Loyal
Not only does loyalty involve not cheating, it also means taking his side in public, even when you think he’s wrong. A perfect girlfriend would never badmouth her man, nor would she make fun of him in front of his friends.As well, if he asked her to stop talking to Jim at work because it sounds like he’s trying to make a move on her, she wouldn’t argue with him about how jealous and insecure he is. She would hear him out and respect his point of view, and slowly faze Jim out of her lunch hour
Lala says : if it is worth it...there is no reason i can`t be loyal....
To my girlfriends out there:So, do you fulfill all these? Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list, but most guys would agree that if you have all of the above traits, you’re probably married already or if you're not, you're currently in very high demand. Come on and improve ourselves girls. Perfect ladies are for perfect men! :)
Any comment(s) or opinion on this? oh yg laki2 pun bole comment..sila2... jemput2...
Posted by alialalala at 1:32 AM 8 comments
Labels: let it out
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
misi & sayangi diri
hi u ols
i gumbira arini...
berjaya meneruskan misi dgn tegar
wpun memula ujan yg ala2 lebat tu seakan2 membantutkan hasrat tp tetibe 6.15 cm da berenti
apa lg calling2 hasni la
seb bek die sudi nak jd partner in my mission
misi ni perlu dilaksanakan dlm tempoh 2 bulan....
ye mesti!
jd hopefully berjaya la
x mau hangat2 tahi ayam saje
oo dan time kaseh la buat beberapa rakan terdekat yg terlibat secara langsung atau tdk dlm misi ku ini
ish2 pejam celik pejam celik da masuk 7th week da orthopedics ni
kalu u ols perasan i x bape nak cte sgt pasal ortho kan?
ntah la i cm x brape nak minat r...
tp minat x minat kena make sure i fed myself with as much knowledge as i can...
in 2 weeks tyme nak masuk paeds
mcm x sabar...ade org kata paeds ni penat sket
tgk la cmne
i suka je tgk muka2 baby yg comel2 itu...rasa tenang je...nak marah pun x jadi...
lg satu i nak tnya ni..
mana blogger2 tegar yg satu masa dulu rajen update eh?
borink la idup i x tau kisah2 korg
korggggg update la eh?
kat bwh ni gmbr2 saya
maafla sbb ni blog sy
suka ati i la kan
kalu u ols x suka bole tutup n jgn bukak lg...huhu...~
Posted by alialalala at 7:32 PM 6 comments
Labels: let it out, misi
Sunday, November 9, 2008
setelah lama puasa dr buat tag...now i`m back~
* take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW.
* DON'T change your clothes. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture.
* Post that picture with NO editing.
* post this instruction with your picture.
* Tag 10 people to do this.
Time: 1820 ( baru balik wad..seb bek)
- aisyah ismail
- ina
- nadrah
- azliyana
- fazrul
- wani
- sarah lina
- iyas
- roy
- kimot
Posted by alialalala at 6:41 PM 8 comments
Labels: tagged
Saturday, November 8, 2008
rahsia & penipuan
tp at d end dpt gak jmpa n makan kira ok la
ok la u ols
Posted by alialalala at 11:16 AM 6 comments
Labels: friendships, randoms
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the storeoperates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch. ... You may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. .
On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.
The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.
The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are extremely good looking. " Wow ," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads: Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead good looking and help with the housework. "Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads: Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- deadgorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the signreads: Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day! Send this to all men for a good laugh and to all the women who canhandle the truth !
my mum email dis 2 me...
huhu...wat do u guys think of dis?
not all la women are like dis la...
if we have chance 2 make a choice
of course we will choose d best
tp xde la smpai tamak sgt kan?
Posted by alialalala at 5:37 PM 14 comments
Labels: randoms
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
derma darah~
Posted by alialalala at 8:27 PM 8 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
my girls~
dulu smua single2
skang ni da ade yg double
apa pun yg telah kami lalui...
semoga akan menjadi memori yg indah2 saja buat kami
buat u ols thanx for everything
n sorry salah silap...terkecik ati, terkata, terkasar bahasa
hopefully our frenship remain as sweet n strong as ever
:: my girls ::
Posted by alialalala at 10:23 PM 6 comments
Labels: friendships