juz got msg frm uncle p n aunty fiona
sarah`s bld culture shows no bacteria growth.
her ct scan also didn`t show any signs of meningitis....
she is now afebrile...her temperature is normal...
she will do another urine test...if everything clear...insyaAllah..should b no problem...
Alhamdulillah sgt2...she`s ok now...
Tq doakan~
btw, juz got back frm misi of d week...
aisy truk btul r skang ni...
x istiqamah btul...
malas gle nak g jog skang...
aisy...like once a week je...
cmne neh...
makan da r byk skng...aiyok....tolong2~
btw, i think dr nafisah is nice...
she is our supervisor for our research SSM group...
she`s very helpful and guide us well...
n she really understands us not having so much tyme 2 read d whole of d journals~
take home msg: take care of urself, appreciate others cause u`ll neva noe wut will happened in d future~
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
aduh lala~ ngapakah sudah lama tidak jog? F6 (padahal aku pon sudah semakin kurang jog) :P xper2 same2 kita meningkatkan keazaman untuk berjoging menguruskan bdn (tapi act ko da kurus da pon) F5
ps: im giving back (+)ve aura to u~ :x
bestnye supervisor
hope everything wil turn out great for sarah.
rajen2 la jog. life is about choice. hoho.
myshah...ala kan skang slalu ujan lebat ribut petir...(sbnanye alasan je supaya x rasa bersalah sgt...)
ye2...mari berusaha...(xde kurusnye kot...)F(x ingt le F bpe yg sesuwai...pandai2 le eh)
tq 4 d aura
cik miluvia...ye..sy tau...life is about choice...sy tgh cuba la ni membuat choice yg TERBAIK~
alhamdulillah~~~~ sarah dah ok...so, what's d' diagnosis? hurm, choice choice....ala....ak asyik wat choice yg salah jer lala~~~~ huk3...rase sedey la plakzz/z..
hurm...ok..juz a fever je kot...mkck aku tu x tau ape culture die...tp since urine test die pun normal...rasanye da bole balik in 1 or 2 days...
mmg ko neh dulu kate nak bermisi ngn aku...skang ape jadik???
wait till my kuku baik...then, missi akan diteruskan semula!!!! hahaha
owh da abis da pon, aku x prasan pon 1st comment itu ialah aku sebenarnye, lol da mamai sgt... tp byk gak aku dpt taw drp baca entry2 yg lpas ko, huuhu
ok la nak tido da... u take care eh. wasalam
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