yg tgh fofular leh dak2 ni skang ni...
aisy da jd cm penyakit lak kan...
mmg r..i pun dok berbloghoppin
n menengok updates
tp tgk gaya anda2 ber round sebijik cm some specialist2 n consultant2 tu buat round kat patient2
stakat lalu lalang...and discuss among themselves
not asking d patient least a simple question cm 'pkck da mkn?' or 'pkck ada apa2 nak tanya?'
kdg2 not even looking at the patient
and patient tu terkebil2...ble tnya ape dr tu ckp...die ckp x tau...'dr busat ckp ngn dr kicik'
i noe dey all r bz...
but hey dey r all ur patients
mmg la ade HO, MO and registras yg akan do d clerking n get in touch wit d patient
tp cm if u personally as d consultant (yg dipandang tinggi pesakit)
even a simple sweet smile n salam will ease d patient
n i cam ade sumtin come into my mind since masuk 1st yr dulu
y kan...since we jd medical stdnt, we`ve been thought about the need utk pakai labcoat dlm lab and pakai white coat dlm hosp
d reason is to keep us frm all d infectious material n x nak transmit kuman2 tu all over d place
but once they become specialist, sometimes even MO they starts to put it off...
mmg r cambest kan x yah pakai white coat tu yg agak me ristrict n menutup baju kte yg da penat2 iron tu kan...
but if they hv round n c d patient, i do think they need their white coats... juz my thoughts yg i nak let it out 2day...hehe...
but personally, i like la d idea u guys buat GBR ni kan...
coz i did d same...
but i think cm it more worth if u drop off a few words...
mayb some learning issues or action plan kan...
n idea fana suro sorg cover satu blog n prsnt tyme cmmon lecture lawak ok...hehehe
take home msg : (taken frm How to become a good & successful medical stdnt - a holistic approach by Prof Dr Muhaya Haji Mohamad)
How to be a good doctor? Be a good person
How to be a good person? Develop good relationship with God, other human beings, other creations of God (living or non-living)
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
BAGUS2... pengajaran post ini....hehehe... lala!!!! ak dah abis short case!!!! hatiku sgt gumbira... nak wat GBR ari2 nih....hahhaha
tp maybe kdg the specialist tu bz kot. nk ckp lm2 ngn patient.
maybe bila dr tu tengok ko buat bloground pakai white coat, maybe diorg akan mencontohi ko. hmm. y dont u start the trend?
bilik aku ni panas, takleh nak pakai2 white coat. :p
cik irm - ye bgs sy gembira anda gembira
cik miluvia - ye mngkn. berpikiran positip
en fazrul - u noe wat i mean kan?
ho2.. quote: [ada HO, MO..}
ha2 ader homo kat ward wound ngeh3....
nice 1.
meh kie ber GBR lagi... kamu, sudah sehat kah? :P
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