today is d first day for our new opthalmology posting
new posting means new group members
dis tyme i`m in d same grup wit 'bapak',kak sue anida,yujun,kak has, and pei shan...
i think d new group is 'bapak' 2 take care of me...hahaha
and new posting means another new case write up need 2 be submitted by the end of next 3weeks...
d day started off with briefing by dr hAzlita(did i get her name right? i hope so) then lecture by dr theng (who eventually is our group supervisor)...he looks a bit naive-type a bit with his 'UK' accent..i think he has d same graph of voice projection a bit monotonous...but hey dont 'buli' my supervisor cik hajar!
supposed after d lecture we have a clinic session wit dr Theng...however he had an emergency we just tagged along wit d MO in his clinic...but due to the 'bzness' d MO just gave us a brief teaching on how to use ophtalmoscope n we were left by our own to practise d ophtalmoscope among ourselves!
i have difficulties in d very beginning 2 appreciate d red reflex, d optic disc d vessels...bla2...but after several least i can recognise d red reflex vessels and optic disc..but still couldnt find d macula..hurmmm need 2 work on it!
later in d evening we got lecture about paediatric opthalmology and a video session on breaking bad news(we need to wait about 1 n a half hour juz to watch a 15mins video session) and i was really sleepy just now!
i dunno...after go thru d first day in opthalmology...i`m afraid that i need to admit that i`m quite not liking dis posting...i`m not as excited as in ent or anaesth posting...i dunno maybe i`m just getting exhausted...or maybe i`m juz being so negative...perhaps 2morow will b better...chaiyok2 lala...aja2 fighting!
actually there`s a lot of pending entries need to b published but i`m just not in d mood. will published it SOON....huhu
(ps: btw, i`ve been elected as a new assisstant for dis new posting :P haha...wani fazrul n kak pah sggh la jahat mengenakan aku kan...n dat smile plastered on pakdin face itu sggh la x leh bla...haha...)
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
he3..congratulation 4 being elected as assistant...caye laa beb..
cehs...sggh cehs.jaga la..masa kamu2 smua jua akan tiba..ngeh2
tahniah jua....perhaps aku yg cadang nama ko kt fazrul...haha!
haha, congratz lala...
makcik kantin dpt naik pangkat jadi penolong kanan HEM...
selamat bertugas
- ustazah pendidikan islam DG46 ^_-
yerla en iyas...jagalah kamu smua
dan cik nani..benarlahtu...mari meraikan kenaikan pngkt mkck kantin...n sejak bile anda menjadi ustazah pendidikan islam DG46??huhu
ustazah yg berdedikasi ni pun nk naik pangkat jugak. tapi belum mintak recommendation dr cikgu besar je. cikgu besar xde, bercuti g wat umrah. kn cuti sekolah ni...
cikgu penolong kanan HEM bila nk wat kenduri kesyukuran kat kantin sekolah? hehe~
assistant... hurm.. aper keje dier?... blur blur blur.... ngeh3
mungkin ko pnat kot, huhuuhu. ophthal's the best! hidup Dr musya!
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