random facts
i've been tagged by cik wani
8 random facts about me...
Eight Random Facts/habits About YourselfThe Rules :
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
1. most of my friends used to and still call me FAIRUZ...
dulu2..time skola rendah sampai le ke skolah menegah rendah...byk sgt classmates yg ade nama alia...so, most of my classmates,teachers and even my bestfriends called me FAIRUZ...and only family called me ALIA...but only after goin 2 MRSM..some of my friends started to called me ALIA...
2. most of my friends now call me LALA...
the 'LALA' name started during my 2nd yr...i used ALIALALALA as my profile name in fs...and my girls and as far as i remembered...SHAH always called me 'ALIALALALA'...and if not mistaken IFFAH who started to shorten d 'ALIALALALA' to 'LALA'...is it? i cant remember exactly..but must b one of d girls...at first it sounds funny and a bit weird,...but after using it for more than a year...i`m liking it...it sounds fun and happy~ :)
3. my brothers and my neighbours and my parents(sometimes) called me KAKLONG...
since i`m d eldest in d family...they called me KAKLONG...in our family...my parents have thought us to address brothers and sisters by using KAK or ABG...it shows some respect..like my youngest brother will call his elder brother NGAH...and i find it a bit funny too in some families they can used 'kau' and 'aku' among their siblings...
4. my mom always like to call me YONGMOK...
d word is a combination of KAK YONG + GEMOK = YONGMOK
my youngest brother was a bit 'pelat' during his childhood...he has difficulties to pronounce 'L' properly..so instead of calling me KAKLONG..he called me KAKYONG...and being fat chubby. GEMOK, whatsoeva d synonym.....it`s one of my nicknames at home...hehe...sometimes to make its short she will just called me MOK...aiyok...and i`ll called her d same...ngeh2
ok..i think enough bout names...aisy...what? another 4 random facts eh??what shud i merepek more eh???
5. ok wani maybe i need to tiru wani also...but it`s true...i think i aso begin to like PINK...as in PINK!
ok...i used to hate PINK so much especially during my days in MRSM...i think maybe dat tyme i find it very distressing to see MISS FATEEN(sorry fateen) and maybe most of d rest of d girls being fanatic n being crazy about PINK....where dey need everything or most of their things to be PINK...it just so awful dat tyme...ngeh2...being me who loves PURPLE...i think d nearest colour who suits it best is PINK...and yes...i`ve bought a few PINK stuffs and clothes...I got myself a new PINK hp NOKIA 6120 classic gave by my parents, a PINK new tshirt from TZ...a new PINK baju kurung...and even a new PINK carpet for my room in college...can u believe it??haha....i think 'jangan benci sgt nanti lama2 suka/sayang' saying applies here...
6. I rarely comb my hair after shampooing it...
i started not combing my hair after shampooing since form 4...dat tyme i was in boarding school...and i cant remember who exactly but one of my friends told me if we comb our hair when it is wet...it will damage our hair and made d roots weaker...so...since then... i rarely and stop combing my hair after shampooing...and i find my hair is nicer without having 2 comb it...'guna jari pun boleh' applies here...
7. The only mineral water i like is SELECT from shell
i hate distilled water...especially SEAMASTER...and i find most of the mineral water has d 'payau' tastes....but i started drinking mineral water SELECT from SHELL since form 4 i think after being introduced by my father...i will by a 24 '500ml bottles mineral water' in a carton...d taste is nice without d 'payau' taste and it is cheap...only rm13.50 for 24 bottles which made it only cost rm 0.55 per bottle...i`ve promote to most of my friends and more and more people started buying it...haha
8. i love taking PICTURES and be in d pictures...
i have a lot of pictures of my friends, families, even myself..n wit d digital camera and camera phone being introduced makes my habits even worst...i don mind taking other people pictures using my camera...but i feel ANNOYED when other people who have no camera dont volunteer to take my pics when i`ve took theirs...it just a simple rules...if u dont have camera,...its ok to be in others pics..but at least VOLUNTEER to take their pics once they already take yours...its just not fair d owner of d camera is not in d pic!
finally...come to d end pun...ok now i`m going to tag
1. cik nadrah
2. cik farha
3. cik ahlino
4. chu n
5.cik nani
6. en fazrul
7. en ib
8.cik kimot
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
11 months ago
cik lala...kite ade psamaan di no 5 n 6 itu. liking PINK!!! hehehe. and also x sikat rambut after syampu..huhuhuhu~
seriyes ko pun x sikat rmbut??
sejak azali ke? sejak 'make over' itu?
hooho. lala pasni aku panggil ko yongmok bley? haaha~
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