Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
Assalamualaikum as much i wanted to write; i kept on deleting the contents.
Bonda tercinta saya or known as Mak Ajah telah pulang ke rahmatullah pada
*Source : Noni*
*Ingredients* :
300 g butter
400 g flour (I took out 1/4 cup)
130 g cornflour
100 g icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla ess...
*At the end of the day, if someone wants to be in your life, they will be.
Truly — they are capable, they will make the effort, they will show u...
My Second Labor Story
Hi guys!!! My goddddd it has been ages since I last logged into this blog!
I'm not sure I should just delete this blog or still keep it! haha.. But I
Shopping di Kmart Australia
Bersiaran lagi harini. Hee. Saje je nak share experience shopping di KMART
Australia. Alhamdulillah bulan 5 tahun ni dapat pegi lagi skali...
Beza PASTI elite & PASTI imtiyaz
Sebab nak pindah, jadi kena survey sekolah & tadika utk kakak shahadah &
shafiyah. Sebelum ni shahadah dan shafiyah sekolah dekat tadika tahfiz
Jual Bibit Durian Musangking di Pekanbaru Riau
*Jual Bibit Durian Musangking di Pekanbaru Riau*
Siapa yang tak mengenal degan buah durian, buah yang identik dengan duri
dan aroma yg khas ini telah lama...
Dunia Baru
*Salam alayk...*
Memasuki minggu ketiga aku di program Sarjana Kesihatan Masyarakat
(SKM/MPH) di PPUKM. So far so good. Alhamdulillah, aku dipertemukan de...
New Blog
Buat followers dan pengunjung yang dikasihi,
Ikuti Dr. Har di alamat baru di: dan
twitter: @harlinahaliz...
My baby is turning 1 tomorrow!! weeee...
Mama yg terlebih excited..hehe..
Ya Allah so fast time flies.. Alhamdulillah my baby da nak setahun da..
Jannah's Birth Story Part 1: PROM
Assalammualaikum dan hai~
Alhamdulillah, had safely deliver our daughter, *Amaya Jannah Binti Fuad
Suffian*. Her birth story is an epic one! (Although I'm ...
Chappie (2015)
Watch Full Chappie in Top Video FormatNow you can download full Chappie in
HD format with duration 120 Min and has been aired on 2015-03-06 with MPAA
produk tiruan dan menipu?
" if it is too good to be true ... it is probably fake ! "
amat menyedihkan situasi perubatan dan kosmetik di malaysia sekarang.
Terlalu ramai produk2 k...
Cakes and Cookies by Bang Beyl's
Based in my humble kitchen in the heart of Subang Jaya, Bang Beyl's is
happy to introduce the first few of its all-time favourite homemade cakes
and cookie...
Solid Food: Review Autumnz Baby Food Processor
Esok, 11 September Alana dah 6 bulan, tapi disebabkan esok dia akan start
makan kat rumah babysitter, maka emak yang excited ni plan nak suap dia
Last post (maybe) Selamat Hari Raya!
Assalamualaikum lovelies B2B dan silent readers ;)
Its been awhile since this blog has been abandoned. Too sad but life must
goes on. Terfikir nak delete o...
bath & body works
went to bath and body works last weekend.
heard of the brand before but never gave it much thought.
stumbled upon the outlet in the curve and spend 2 hour...
Jasa Tambah Kontak BBM Terercaya
*Jasa Tambah Kontak BBM Terercaya*
Jasa Tambah Kontak BBM Terercaya | How to associate both increased fuel
hurriedly to see in responsibility matter onlin...
Pasal Toujours Advanced Collagen Shots
Oke hai. Berasa sangat terpanggil nak update belog pasal Toujours Advanced
Collagen Shots sebab TERLALU RAMAI yang terpengaruh dan cuba dan puas hati,
PT3 peperiksaan
Aku baru dpt tahu sistem education di malaysia ada sedikit rombakan..
Pengenalan PT3 utk pelajatr tingkatan 3...
Aku xtau sgt xcontent dia namun usaha utk ...
Terima Kasih Allah
Terima kasih Allah.
Segala pujian hanya bagi Allah.
Syukur jika ini bahagia yang ditangguhkan.
Syukur kerana mengujiku dengan pelbagai du...
senyum untuk suatu ketika
suatu ketika,
kau hampir,datang dekatku
kau curi hati,kau curi jiwa,kau curi segala
sampai satu masa,
ku dibiar sahaja,biar mati,biar lenyap terus
Daging dendeng.
Hello ladies.
Daging dendeng is one of my favourite!! Suka gila. Kalau nak raya je mesti
mintak kan mak orderkan dengan kawan dia, mak cik zah. Dendeng dia...
E-Book Photoshop Versi B.Melayu
Salam 1 Malaysia,
Kita bukan hanya perlu pandai mengambil gambar tetapi perlu pandai untuk
menggunakan software2 tertentu untuk mengedit gambar supaya gamb...
Happy new year
Hello hello 2013! Hope its not too late!
So long since i updated my blog..what had happened since then?
Got married!to the love of my life :)
Pack your bags!
Packing suitcase is fun! Especially for the whole family.. I love
doing check-list. I really do.
My case today, it sucks.
I'll be leaving my boys for gues...
The latest ME!
Another 6 days to go and nia will turn 5 months already... She gained good
weight, Alhamdulillah with only breastmilk without any formula milk
Long Hairstyles 02
Looking for *Long Hairstyles* ? Here are some images of *Long Hairstyles*.
[image: Long Hairstyles]
*Long Hairstyles* Pictures
[image: Long Hairstyles]
saat sendiri melanda
sang matahari terbit ku jalani hariku..ku berusaha tersenyum dalam kondisi
senang atau susah..sahabat yg mengajarkanku untuk selalu tersenyum..masalah
Road to success is still under construction
while driving through the Summit USJ, i past this one QUOTE that catched
the eyes of all driver i guess.
"The road to Success is Under Construction"
Oh ...
Aku sudah berpindah..
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Selamat sejahtera semua. Harap ceria-ceria selalu!
Kini aku sudah berpindah secara maya ke blog baru. Jemputlah datang..
Spring @ Trent Park
Been meaning to post these pictures for ages. This is how Trent Park looked
like during spring! The scenery was so breathtaking, it became a hotspot
for ph...
Be yourself
Be yourself. the self that you want to be. not to the ones that "they" want
u to be. why must follow their expectaion? why must become the that not
aku malas
as simple as that.. alooot of thing in mind.dier asik suro update jer
(wink).but i dunno.maybe later.owh i think its the holiday-mood...haha
alasan si proc...
Info about SSM!!
Salam & hi...
I've a few announcement to make about SSM...once you've read this
post,kindly spread it around so that most of us will know about it!
1. On ...
owh, sape kah dia ya?
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