i had my ENT clinic session today...i joined dr iqbal clinic...he`s really a nice MO. he teach us, asked questions, and showed findings in patients to us...as we were about to finish, he asked whether we have any questions....
suddenly i feel d urge to ask him about my 'resdung' problem i`ve been having for years and thought it was an ordinary rhinitis. i also asked his permission to scope me...so he asked d other stdnts to take hstory frm me...
my complaint was having running nose especially during morning or in aircond or cold places. i also have nasal obstructions once a while and snores during sleep based on my friends n families. apart from that i also complaint of itchiness at the nose area and eyes area, sneezing attacks and clearing throat. sometimes i will feel itchiness in d ear as well as headacheif it was so severe. otherwise, i have no facial pain or epistaxis. i also did not have fever or chronic cough. i have no allergic to food or asthma. my 2 brothers have the smae problems and both of them have childhood asthma. this is my first visit to doctor about my problem.
then from my hx, my provisional dx is vasomotor rhinitis. so moved on to the examination of d nose, dr asked sarah to do inspection on my nose and my findings was a crest or a line on my nose most probably due to rubbing my nose upwards which is one of sign of rhinitis. then marina took the challenges to do the anterior rhinoplasty by inserting thudicum inside my nose. initially she started by doing the cold spatula test n it was fairly normal. on her findings, there is no obvious deformities and confirm by the dr. by throat examination, there was only mild tonsilitis and dr said my airway seem fine.
and the moment of truth was when the dr did the nasal scope to me, to my surprised, i have a DEVIATED NASAL SEPTUM (DNS) and it is quite severe as it is about to obstruct, and the dr can not pass through the scope futher more to examine my larynx. it is more prominent on left side. and right after taking out d scope the dr told me that i need to do SEPTOPLASTY! what?? oh no...i do want to do surgery...so the dr gave me a nasal spray ( a beclamethasone) as well as clarityne (loratadine) and give me a TCA 3 months. if there is no improvement or worsening (plz dont) by then maybe i need to do appropriate intervention...
the dr ask whether i had any trauma or accident previously but as far as i can remember, i did not encounter such events. my feeling is actually mixed up..i`m quite worried but at the same time relieved i did the scope n find out the truth. i hope everything will b fine.
i did tell my problems to some of my friends and actually there are a few of my friends who have the same problems and some of them even had a polyp removal n still well n healthy without any complications...
so dear friends, whoever reading this, if u had encounter such symptoms, do seek for futher investigations. who knows u might as well as having d same problem as me!
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
get well soon!! ala, xder apenyer surgery tu lala...ngeh2...
huhu..berat mata memandang..berat lg bahu memikul. btw, thanx!
terkejut nani tau psl ur illness tu. xpe, dun worry bout the surgery. rajin2 la makan ubat n elakkan precipitating factors ye...
huhu...tq2 nani...actuallr ramai je gak stdnt medic ni yg da seekntreatment utk dns ni jdk lega la sket kte...
ak paham lala....berat mata memndang, berat lagi bahu memikul...coz ak pun pernah memikulnya..."mungkin lagi berat...ngeh2"... whatever it is, kesihatan shud' be the priority ok??!!! So, trust in Dr and pray 4 ur health....we all do... muah3...
huhu..thanx irm....
yg nithhya aritu pun DNS jugak ke???
eh2...en ayob...kamu muncul secara tetibe...kamu bc bloggie ku jua???
ngeh2 seb bek x ngumpat ko lgk
btw, agaknye la nithya ade dns
x bape sure
sape nak tengok hidung senget lala, dtglah clinic prof gendeh. kita scope sama itu hidung! hahahaha.
cehs x guna ko fazrul...ala..ko tu cuba scope hidung tekak ngn telinga ko./..ntah2 apa2 ntah je yg jdk kat dlm tu..bukan saja senget..entah2 da byk impacted wax!haha
lala hidung senget? huhu. aku baru taw mase aritu.. ala mase bile ek, tp ko pernah cite kat aku, lately ni je la. hurm...
tp mmg btol ramai je ade, huuhu.
so how's the follow up? skrg da ok?
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