~its been a while
alhamdulillah sy sihat, selamat kembali dr kem ppd n btn d besut trengganu
kem was fun, an eye opener for a life as a ho
i enjoyed medical explorace d most
kem btn was as usual boring
well in less than 8 hours
i`m goin 2 start my first final yr clinical posting
i dunno how 2 describe
but its totally a mix feeling
at one end i`m all excited to enter d clinical postings
at another end i`m afraid that i`m not ready n well prepared
i dunno what 2 expect
i`m anxious n nervous who will b my supervisor
which team i`m gonna be allocated to
will i catch up
will i do well
will i do my best
i dunno
i just hope n pray
that everything will b as wonderful as i hope
i am visualize that i`m going 2 get a nice supervisor n a great team
that can help me to go thru another 2 months
good luck everyone
our journey begins~
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
nk ckp good luck dh masuk dh..
papepon.. bljr leklok ya kak
gud luck
dun worry
susah itu kan satu pengajaran hidup
hehe, lambat sket.. gudluck ye kamuh!
fana - ye kamu juga
nadem - thnx. benar susah itu suatu pengajaran hidup supya kte x terleka
shah - xpe. biar lmbt asal dtg
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