hye all my dearie readers...(sbenarnye ciput je sbb aku private kan kan...)
a qucik update here
sorry for d late updates
salahkan tenet ktdi yg dioofkan selama ntah bape ari
pastu salahkanb gak adaptor laptop tua aku si acer tu yg rosak
sbb kan aku x le on
sbb tu gak aku mls nak upload gamba
byk bnda happened last week
but cm x smpat nak update skang
i`ve got class in 10 mins time..hoho
by the way
juz nak infor pada sape2 yg x tau lagi
i`ll be leaving to tokyo japan on 24th july at 2340 for asian medical conference
i`ll be back on 3rd august 2008 1940 insyaAllah
i`ll be leaving with few others amsa members who also part of d bloggers
so doakan ktorg slamat pergi dan selamat kembali
so i guess there will be no updates until i back with a lottttttttttttt of piccsss( ib pasti mau lawan gigam kamu)
c ya
have a nice day all~
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
owh kamu~ ill be missing u~ :(
best gile gi tokyo!! nak ikut!!
myshah - sy jua pasti seronots dsana. pasti akan ingat kamu dan rakan2 lain d sini donk
teen - huhu...jom r...jumpa di sana~
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