happy birthday 2 me...
happy birthday 2 me...
happy birthday 2 me...
happy birthday 2 me~
ok it`s just a simple bday celebration with my family member
we had dinner at home n a must acara 'potong kek' pun berlangsung
i celebrated wit my youngest bro, his bday is on 19 october
nothing much happened..just received smses, comments, phone calls wishing me a happy birthday
tq for all ur wishes
it means a lot to me~
but this yr a special bday wish harusla dtg nye dr :
1. my bro from rusia....he called from rusia nak wish n even said dat he already posted a bday card for me..hopefully smpai la
2. from fara fauzana, yeah she`s my neighbour...tq angah for d bday song n bday hug...hehe..spesel u!
oh, bday presents sy..akan sy claim ye...jgn buat2 lupa
ade sesape lg mau belikan i cake?
take care u ols~
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
salam kamu~
owh fada tu adik, sry2 coz bg komen kat FB ko sblum bc entry nih~ heeehe... sesdap je aku assume fada=fahter. lol~ngongs
ade sape2 lagi mau blikan u kek? hooho. aku333. tp xtaw nak bli kek pe =P
yayaya, masih 17 Oct, happy besday lala~ haaha... kawan yg len, sape2 klo ade organize besday party lala ajak aku ya~ =P
huhu shah
fada = fadhlullah
my adiks la
yeay2 ade kek
lalala!!!! ku macam familiar je dgn ayat "birthday present saya, akan sy claim yer..." Kwang3.... Dan ak masih geram kamu jumap ngan CT!!!!!! jahat jahat jahat!!! Nasib ko amikkan gmbar die srang... akan ku claim kat kamu nanti....
saba ye irm~
aku da tag gmbr ct tu kt ko
happy birthday ;)
thanx aisyah~
we cam lots of persamaan, and now i get y, both of us are libraens (libra- plural, suka2 je i pluralkan..aha)
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